Haryana, madhya pradesh security agencies running EXTORTION RACKET, targetting older single women professionals from poorer communities

Google, tata sponsored indore ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena her fraud boyfriend puneet does not pay for domains yet R&AW/cbi make FAKE CLAIMS in a massive EXTORTION RACKET to pay deepika, ruchika and other frauds a monthly government salary.

the aryan khan extortion racket is only the tip of the endless extortion rackets of ntro/raw/cbi/security agency employees in india supported by large companies allegedly google, tata which the mainstream media, and politicians do not cover. ?
The domain investor is complaining because is a victim of extortion rackets of ntro/raw/cbi/security agency employees in india supported by large companies allegedly google, tata who are falsely claiming that their relatives and BRIBE GIVERS who do not spend any money on domains own the domains of a private citizen and threaten legal action against the real domain investor+

Though the domain investor has never visited madhya pradesh, haryana and is never going to vist india’s top fraud state notorious for its vyapam fraud and haryana , the madhya pradesh government like the haryana, goa government is openly involved in a massive EXTORTION RACKET on the domain investor, single woman engineer, falsely labelling her a security threat for saving a small amount of money and then falsely claiming that the domains belong to indore robber housewife deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika

There are many women making Rs 1 crore a year or even Rs one crore a month like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, because these women belong to rich and powerful communities the EXTORTIONIST madhya pradesh, haryana does not label these women a security threat, it is only targetting the single woman engineer, domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper a security threat to get indore ROBBER housewife deepika and haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge a monthly raw salary for faking domain investment, bank acccount

This government EXTORTION RACKET has continued for 11 years since 2010, the state governments are not able to provide any proof of security threat, yet the state governments continue with their EXTORTION RACKET on the real domain investor, single woman engineer and goa 1989 jee topper

| November 11th, 2021 | Posted in Uncategorized |

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