In hyderabad investors like swetha venugala with 16000 domains are not labelled a security threat, only in goa domain investors are persecuted, falsely labelled a security threat

NTRO, raw, cbi do not rob the MEMORY of hyderabad investor swetha venugala though she has 16000 domains, only the goa 1989 jee topper is ROBBED
In a clear indication that only the single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper is being targetted for the most horrific human rights abuses since 2010, without a legally valid reason, is that the government agencies do not subject other domain investors in india for MEMORY ROBBERY, stealing trade secrets, denying the citizen privacy, though they own far more domains.
For example hyderabad investor swetha venugala she has 16000 domains, the government agencies do not steal her memory, put her under surveillance the goa 1989 jee topper is only an experienced engineer, has only approximately 500 domains, yet in a clear case of discrimination, human rights abuses, the indian and state government agencies especially in panaji, goa are falsely claiming that domain ownership makes her a security threat to ROB her memory since 2010, without a legally valid reason.
When the hyderabad security agencies do not falsely label swetha yenugala a security threat despite owning 16000 domains, why is the goa government, its corrupt greedy liar security agency employees like caro,nayak,mandrekar,pritesh chodankar,naik, falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat without any other kind of proof,to ROB her memory, correspondence, subject her to the most horrific human rights abuses since 2012

| September 28th, 2021 | Posted in Uncategorized |

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