One of the best indications of the terrible business conditions in panaji, goa is how Goa’s top security agency employee caro, is allowed to falsely label citizens a security threat for exposing the fact that he and his fraud father in law nayak are pathological LIARS , falsely claiming that caro’s wife greedy goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi, only cooking, cleaning is doing computer work
Goa’s top security agency employee caro, is falsely labelling goa 1989 jee topper a security threat for exposing that his wife greedy ROBBER riddhi is only COOKING, CLEANING not doing computer work
Indicating the terrible governance in goa, rot in panaji society, government, media no one asks cheater caro, why he is making up fake stories when his greedy wife robber riddhi is only cooking, cleaning and does not want to do computer work, does not invest in domains