Swsites https://swsites.net Small business websites, R&AW/cbi employees FAKE ownership Thu, 11 Nov 2021 15:01:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.20 Haryana, madhya pradesh security agencies running EXTORTION RACKET, targetting older single women professionals from poorer communities https://swsites.net/2021/11/11/haryana-madhya-pradesh-security-agencies-running-extortion-racket-targetting-older-single-women-professionals-from-poorer-communities/ Thu, 11 Nov 2021 15:01:57 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=121 Google, tata sponsored indore ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena her fraud boyfriend puneet does not pay for domains yet R&AW/cbi make FAKE CLAIMS in a massive EXTORTION RACKET to pay deepika, ruchika and other frauds a monthly government salary.

the aryan khan extortion racket is only the tip of the endless extortion rackets of ntro/raw/cbi/security agency employees in india supported by large companies allegedly google, tata which the mainstream media, and politicians do not cover. ?
The domain investor is complaining because is a victim of extortion rackets of ntro/raw/cbi/security agency employees in india supported by large companies allegedly google, tata who are falsely claiming that their relatives and BRIBE GIVERS who do not spend any money on domains own the domains of a private citizen and threaten legal action against the real domain investor+

Though the domain investor has never visited madhya pradesh, haryana and is never going to vist india’s top fraud state notorious for its vyapam fraud and haryana , the madhya pradesh government like the haryana, goa government is openly involved in a massive EXTORTION RACKET on the domain investor, single woman engineer, falsely labelling her a security threat for saving a small amount of money and then falsely claiming that the domains belong to indore robber housewife deepika/veena, haryana scammer mba hr ruchika

There are many women making Rs 1 crore a year or even Rs one crore a month like the greedy gujju stock trader amita patel, because these women belong to rich and powerful communities the EXTORTIONIST madhya pradesh, haryana does not label these women a security threat, it is only targetting the single woman engineer, domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper a security threat to get indore ROBBER housewife deepika and haryana scammer mba hr ruchika kinge a monthly raw salary for faking domain investment, bank acccount

This government EXTORTION RACKET has continued for 11 years since 2010, the state governments are not able to provide any proof of security threat, yet the state governments continue with their EXTORTION RACKET on the real domain investor, single woman engineer and goa 1989 jee topper

FIRC legally proves that security agencies are LIARS making FAKE CLAIMS about indore ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena for 11 years https://swsites.net/2021/10/24/firc-legally-proves-that-security-agencies-are-liars-making-fake-claims-about-indore-robber-raw-employee-deepika-veena-for-11-years/ Sun, 24 Oct 2021 03:23:29 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=119 NTRO, raw, cbi, indian and state government, google, tata, india internet companies were aware that indore ROBBER raw employee deepika/veena like other ntro, raw, cbi employees had never invested any money in domains and have no online income at all
Yet for 11 years, ntro, raw, cbi ran one of the greatest online frauds in the world getting a monthly raw salary for indore’s greatest ROBBER deepika who the indian government, google, tata knew was only COOKING, CLEANING for her crooked husband, not paying any domain expenses like her fraud boyfriend brahmin mhow monster ntro employee puneet
Rewarding a ruthless ROBBER relative veena/deepika for betraying the domain investor does not justify the financial fraud, government SLAVERY because google, tata have ensured that their favorite ROBBER deepika/veena led a very good life, with plenty of money, free time, while the real domain investor struggled to pay the domain renewal fees, had almost no moneyf, and had no free time at all, could not take of her health, eat good food.
For 11 years, google, tata, ntro, raw, cbi ran a massive financial fraud, making it impossible to sell any domains. After 11 years google,tata, ntro, raw, cbi;s great domain ownership, FINANCIAL fraud was exposed on the domain investor, and the domain investor was able to sell one domain at a reasonable price.
The foreign inward remittance certificate (FIRC) issued by the bank is in the name of the real domain investor, single woman engineer, private citizen showing how ruthless the indian, state governments in 5 states, ntro, raw, cbi have been in criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting the real domain investor, in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD

While carrying JEE news, Times of India should carry new of greedy goa security agencies atrocities on goa 1989 jee topper https://swsites.net/2021/10/18/while-carrying-jee-news-times-of-india-should-carry-new-of-greedy-goa-security-agencies-atrocities-on-goa-1989-jee-topper/ Mon, 18 Oct 2021 01:16:28 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=117 The times of india carried the news of the goan students who had a top 10000 rank in JEE Advanced, the best ranks were 1393 of a Ponda student harsh khandeparkar, agrajah bhobhe 1497, and sairaj ghosarwadkar 1800
The JEE admission committee has realized that the corrupt SHAMELESS LIAR goa government is ruthless in its CRIMINAL DEFAMATION, financial fraud, goa government SLAVERY of goa 1989 jee topper, who had the all india JEE rank of top 300, and is openly involved in EDUCATIONAL FRAUD falsely claiming that kolhapur panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, who looks like actress sneha wagh, illegally married at 16 to her fraud xerox shop owning husband has the resume, savings of the goa 1989 jee topper, a hardworking single woman engineer to pay the scammmer school dropout a monthly cbi salary at the expense of the goa 1989 jee topper
However time of india, like the other goan newspapers refuses to carry the news of the human rights abuses on the harmless hardworking goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, with a rank in the top 300 all over india, in panaji, goa and a better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai after criminally defaming and harassing her in the worst manner.
Since their lazy greedy relatives like greedy goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan are too mediocre and lazy to answer JEE and get a good rank, study engineering or work as engineers,the GREEDY goan LIAR scammer security agency employees like mandrekar, caro, nayak, goan bhandari pritesh chodankar, naik are extremely ruthless, shameless in harassing, criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper, making up fake stories without any proof at all.
In all other states, the state JEE topper is treated with respect, only in goa, especially panaji, GREEDY goan LIAR scammer security agency employees like mandrekar, nayak, caro, goan bhandari scammer pritesh chodankar, naik are SHAMELESS FRAUDS, LIARS, criminally defaming the goa 1989 jee topper, with a far better JEE rank than google ceo sundar pichai in the worst manner, falsely labelling her a security threat without any legally valid proof
They are also committing the most horific human rights abuses, stealing her memory without a court order, so that their lazy greedy relatives like panaji’s top extortionist GREEDY goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, only COOKING, CLEANING for her husband CHEATER caro in security agencies can fake computer work, and get a monthly government salary.
When CBI wanted to conduct a polygraphy test on anand giri to get information, it got a court order yet when its google,tata sponsored LAZY GREEDY extortionist employee greedy goan gsb housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro is ROBBING MEMORY of the goa 1989 jee topper, ROBBER government agencies ntro,raw, cbi refuse to get a court order for the last 9 years in clear proof of the horrific human rights abuses,the goa 1989 jee topper is subjected to since 2012

In hyderabad investors like swetha venugala with 16000 domains are not labelled a security threat, only in goa domain investors are persecuted, falsely labelled a security threat https://swsites.net/2021/09/28/in-hyderabad-investors-like-swetha-venugala-with-16000-domains-are-not-labelled-a-security-threat-only-in-goa-domain-investors-are-persecuted-falsely-labelled-a-security-threat/ Tue, 28 Sep 2021 10:39:39 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=115 NTRO, raw, cbi do not rob the MEMORY of hyderabad investor swetha venugala though she has 16000 domains, only the goa 1989 jee topper is ROBBED
In a clear indication that only the single woman domain investor, goa 1989 jee topper is being targetted for the most horrific human rights abuses since 2010, without a legally valid reason, is that the government agencies do not subject other domain investors in india for MEMORY ROBBERY, stealing trade secrets, denying the citizen privacy, though they own far more domains.
For example hyderabad investor swetha venugala she has 16000 domains, the government agencies do not steal her memory, put her under surveillance the goa 1989 jee topper is only an experienced engineer, has only approximately 500 domains, yet in a clear case of discrimination, human rights abuses, the indian and state government agencies especially in panaji, goa are falsely claiming that domain ownership makes her a security threat to ROB her memory since 2010, without a legally valid reason.
When the hyderabad security agencies do not falsely label swetha yenugala a security threat despite owning 16000 domains, why is the goa government, its corrupt greedy liar security agency employees like caro,nayak,mandrekar,pritesh chodankar,naik, falsely labelling the goa 1989 jee topper a security threat without any other kind of proof,to ROB her memory, correspondence, subject her to the most horrific human rights abuses since 2012

Swetha yenugala invested in 16000 domains, yet she is not falsely labelled a security threat, only the goa 1989 jee topper is criminally defamed in panaji, goa https://swsites.net/2021/09/18/swetha-yenugala-invested-in-16000-domains-yet-she-is-not-falsely-labelled-a-security-threat-only-the-goa-1989-jee-topper-is-criminally-defamed-in-panaji-goa/ Sat, 18 Sep 2021 00:51:19 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=113 The domain investor is a harmless private citizen, yet since 2010, she is falsely labelled a security threat, denied her fundamental rights, especially in panaji goa only because she is investing in domains , has a small number of approximately 500 domains while greedy google, tata sponsored frauds like gujju scammer stock broker amita patel get monthly raw salaries for FAKING domain ownership
This is clearly a case of discrimination, other investors like Swetha yenugala, the xyz domain investor from hyderabad has 16000 domains, yet she is not falsely labelled a security threat, to deny her fundamental rights, steal her correspondence and subject her to human rights abuses
This shows that indian security agencies especially in panaji, goa are specifically targetting older single women from the poorest communities in north karnataka falsely labelling them a security threat for investing in domains when Swetha yenugala has 16000 domains, yet she is not falsely labelled a security threat in hyderabad and her correspondence is not robbed

Indian government, security agencies refuse to answer why their favorite indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika has not purchased domains for 11 years https://swsites.net/2021/09/10/indian-government-security-agencies-refuse-to-answer-why-their-favorite-indore-robber-raw-employee-housewife-deepika-has-not-purchased-domains-for-11-years/ Fri, 10 Sep 2021 04:45:58 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=111 Indian government, security agencies refuse to answer why their favorite indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika has not purchased domains for 11 years
before the government, security agencies complains about the website content Indian government, security agencies refuse to answer why their favorite indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika has not purchased domains for 11 years though indore’s greedy ROBBER deepika is getting a monthly raw salary for FAKING domain ownership since 2010
Domains are not free, every year, a large amount of money is being paid for domain renewals which indore ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika, a shameless GREEDY FRAUD and her fraud boyfriends mhow monster ntro employee puneet are not paying and are least interested in doing so
Yet with the support of greedy fraud internet companies companies allegedly google, tata, the shameless LIAR madhya pradesh government continues with the biggest domain ownership, online financial fraud in the world making fake claims about indore’s top online fraudster ROBBER raw employee housewife deepika, falsely claiming that the indore robber raw employee deepika with no domain investment owns the domains of a private citizen to get indore’s top online fraudster deepika a monthly raw salary at the expense of the real domain investor
The indian government is directly responsible for polluting the internet refusing to question the MP government on its domain ownership, financial fraud since 2010 and wasting taxpayer money paying a monthly salary to indore greatest online fraudster bespectacled housewife deepika for faking domain ownership, bank account, resume, and online income.

Indian internet, tech companies encourage reward security agencies to do poor quality work, make mistakes, which are never corrected in sophisticated BRIBERY racket https://swsites.net/2021/09/08/indian-internet-tech-companies-encourage-reward-security-agencies-to-do-poor-quality-work-make-mistakes-which-are-never-corrected-in-sophisticated-bribery-racket/ Wed, 08 Sep 2021 13:52:28 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=109 Indian tech and internet companies talk of quality, yet encourage intelligence, security agencies to do low quality work, make ‘mistakes’ which are never corrected
Worldwide, quality work is defined as not making mistakes
If intelligence, security agencies are making fake claims about a person which is not legally correct, it is a mistake of the security agency employee, and he should be penalized
For example raw/cbi employees bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, robber riddhi nayak caro, naina premchandani, indore robber deepika are only cooking, cleaning for their crooked husband, do no computer work, yet due to the poor quality work of security, intelligence agency employees, they are making fake claims to get them monthly raw/cbi salaries
Ironically Indian tech and internet companies talk of quality and have ensured that the domain investor does not get any paid work in india since 2010, hysterically and falsely making allegations of poor quality work, though she is paid by clients outside india
Yet the same internet tech companies allegedly led by google, tata encourage the well paid powerful LIAR intelligence, security agencies to do low quality work, intentionally make ‘mistakes’ , fake claims about lazy greedy goan call girls, cheater housewives, scammer students and other fraud raw/cbi employees who have never invested money in domains, yet monthly government salaries for faking domain ownership. These mistakes are never corrected for the last 11 years
when hardworking honest citizens like who are suffering great losses, are criminally defamed due to the mistakes of the LIAR intelligence, security agencies complain about the mistakes and refusal of the government to correct them, their mental health is questioned

Security agencies spreading fake mental health rumors about normal business owners, making it haven for startup FRAUD https://swsites.net/2021/09/03/security-agencies-spreading-fake-mental-health-rumors-about-normal-business-owners-making-it-haven-for-startup-fraud/ Fri, 03 Sep 2021 01:44:31 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=107 The goan newspapers carried the news of how the government was claiming that goa is the preferred destination for startups in India. The reality is that CORRUPT LIAR security intelligence employees spreading FAKE mental health rumors about hardworking small business owners to steal their correspondence, isolate them completely, make goa the preferred destination for startup FRAUD in india

The security and intelligence agency employees like nayak, caro, mandrekar, pritesh chodankar, naik are extremely vicious in criminally defaming the small business owner, paypal account holder abusing their great powers to DUPE companies, countries and people with their fake mental health rumors, though the business owner is perfectly normal, to deny the person his or her fundamental rights, subject the business owner to human rights abuses and ruin her reputation.

Then the security and intelligence agency employees will falsely claim that the business is owned by their lazy greedy relatives like robber riddhi nayak caro, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, or bribe givers like sindhi scammer schooldropout naina premchandani, her scammer sons karan, nikhil, who are not interested in starting their own business, working hard to provide services or products, taking the risk of investing money in domains, yet get government salaries only for FAKING business, bank account ownership.

This business ownership fraud in panaji, goa has continued for the last 9 years without being questioned, and no one in panaji society, government is asking the goan/sindhi raw/cbi employees why they are not legally opening their own paypal, bank account, purchasing the domains, instead falsely claiming to own the bank account of a hardworking single woman engineer they HATE, spread false rumors about her mental health.

Security agencies refuse to explain why government agencies are treating some indian paypal account holders worse than maidservants https://swsites.net/2021/08/29/security-agencies-refuse-to-explain-why-government-agencies-are-treating-some-indian-paypal-account-holders-worse-than-maidservants/ Sun, 29 Aug 2021 01:58:54 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=105 Fraud LIAR Google, tata, indian internet companies, government agencies continue to treat indian paypal account holders worse than maidservants
While tha mainstream media is carrying the news of any injustice or atrocities on maidservants in india, showing the extreme DISHONESTY, GREED, lack of morals of the indian government, internet sector, intelligence and security agencies, Fraud LIAR Google, tata, indian internet companies, ntro, raw, cbi continue to treat indian paypal account holders worse than maidservants, falsely claiming that google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees who do not do any computer work, do not invest money in domains, own the domains, paypal, iwriter, bank account of a private citizen, the real paypal account holder in a BANKING FRAUD, to get all the frauds a monthly government salary at the expense of the real paypal account holder
In all other sectors, including housework done by maidservants, the government and people will acknowledge the citizen who is spending their time doing the work, yet indian tech and internet companies led by google, tata are such GREEDY SHAMELESS FRAUDS, LIARS that they are openly involved in government slavery since 2010 and the indian, state government refuse to acknowledge the person who is doing the computer work, instead making fake claims about google, tata sponsored lazy greedy fraud raw/cbi employees, in at least 5 states, goa, karnataka, madhya pradesh, haryana, maharastra for the last 11 years since 2010
Since the google, tata sponsored raw/cbi employees are not interested in doing computer work, do not have the skills, there is no reason why the indian and state government should make fake claims, to give them credit, monthly government salaries.
Yet google,tata are so ruthless in their government slavery, that they they continue to make fake claims about the lazy fraud raw/cbi employees so that they get a monthly government salary only for making fake claims of bank account, criminally defaming the hardworking skilled citizen actually doing the computer work
Before security agencies comment on the website content, they should explain why some indian paypal account holders are treated worse than maidservants, criminally defamed by government agencies, since 2010 in a case of government slavery

Plant robbers flourish in the poshest area of panaji, goa with a kadipatta, curry leaf plant the latest robbery https://swsites.net/2021/08/16/plant-robbers-flourish-in-the-poshest-area-of-panaji-goa-with-a-kadipatta-curry-leaf-plant-the-latest-robbery/ Mon, 16 Aug 2021 15:33:08 +0000 https://swsites.net/?p=103 Curry leaf(kadipatta) plant stolen from posh area of panaji, within a week of replanting
The domain investor was growing plants on the terrace mainly because there is no security on the ground floor, when she is not at home, people are stealing and killing plants. However some corrupt local politician in a posh area of panaji, started making fake dengue allegations, threatened arrest and got all the plants removed from the terrace.
After the killing of the balsam plant, theft of ajwain plant, now the local panaji robbers flourish in the poshest area of panaji, have also stolen a curry leaves (kadipatta) plant from the mailing address of the domain investor one week after she replanted the plant.
The domain investor had replanted the plant spending a lot of time digging it and replanting it in a new grow bag spending a lot of time since the plant has deep roots.
Yet indicating rampant robbery in one of the poshest areas of panaji, goa, people do not allow the domain investor to even grow the kadipatta plant, it was robbed within a week of replanting on 9 August 2021
Earlier the domain investor had made a video of panaji’s top sindhi scammer school dropout cbi employee naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, outsourcing the theft of aloe vera leaves to her sari clad muslim servant from chimbel. When the robbery video was transferred to the iball laptop, the laptop was hacked completely, and Rs 13000 spent on the laptop was wasted
Now it appears that the local politician may be having a joint venture with the panaji plant robber, so they want all the plants in the front garden to make it easier for them to steal the plants from homes in the poshest area of panaji, goa
